The weekend getaway is a great way to rejuvenate. 48 hours of down time. A mini sabbatical if you will.

The best ones are just a drive away, 3 hours or less. After all you don’t have time to waste on transportation.

If you’re a city guy or gal like me go to a fab hotel in an urban oasis. If you’re a country guy or gal find a country hideaway, resort or retreat.

Workout clothes, a bathing suit, sunglasses, one outfit for the evening and your toiletries are all you need to pack the perfect weekend bag.

For rejuvenation – disconnect electronically, make sure the hotel has a day spa, is near a park or path for long walks and has full service. Bring your favorite music, books or e-reader and reconnect with yourself.

48 hours is all you need and the weekend getaway could be just the ticket for a new you!


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