Recovering From Vacation

Recovering From Vacation

Traveling can be exhilarating, rewarding and joyful but let’s face it, all that merriment, different time zones, and a long flight can leave you exhausted and maybe even depleted. Sometimes the mere fact that you’re returning to normal can be deflating, especially if you are returning to stress.

So, how do you return to normal and calm?

Prepare For Your Return.

The first place you’ll return to is your home and it’s far more peaceful and relaxing if things are in order. For example; purge the fridge of produce before you leave, clean your space, especially your bedroom, order food delivery on your way home from the airport, etc. Being able to arrive and put your feet up will make all the difference.

Move, get your blood flowing, especially if you were on a long flight.

You may be tired, but movement will help and promote blood circulation, which in the end will assist you in getting a good rest. Don’t overdo it. Simple stretches are all that’s needed. If you do yoga, the Sun Salutation is a perfect routine to do for about 10 – 15 minutes or 3 cycles. If you’re not into yoga, a head to toe stretch routine will do just fine. do stretches for the neck, back, hip, hamstring, calf, and ankles.

Hydrate, not just with water but with electrolytes too.

As Traveling Culturati’s healthcare professional, Yalanda Comeaux always says, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. It’s the root of good health. We may think of dehydration being a problem if it’s extreme, but even minimal dehydration can cause illnesses and make you feel lethargic. When you return home, drink water, at least 32 ounces and have a drink that includes electrolytes. My favorite is EmergenC’s replenish. I’m not paid for that. It’s a product I use.

Nourish with fresh fruits and vegetables

It’s important to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables because more than likely you’ve indulged during your trip. Keep it light with your eating. If you’ve emptied your fridge of produce before you left, pick up some fruit at the airport before you head home and if you’re ordering food, include a salad or other vegetables on the menu. You may even want to consider a vegetarian meal. You can also consider a food delivery service to arrive the day you return.

Rest, take at least a day off from everything and clear your mind.

If possible, do not work on the day you arrive or commit to anything. The only you should commit to doing is putting your feet up. Just knowing that you have the day to yourself can give you peace of mind. When you have commitments, you’re already stressing about them beforehand. As tempting as it may be, don’t immediately jump into reading the mail, checking email or returning phone calls. Carve out time and space to just relax and clear your mind.

Do something to pamper yourself

Whatever feels good to you. It could be lighting candles, relaxing with a cup of tea, taking a long hot bath or listening to music. If you can, get a massage, especially one that will promote circulation and relaxation. The most relaxing and convenient would be to have the massage therapist come to you. It will cost a bit more, but it’s worth it to not have to get there and back.

Yours truly,

Ja’Vonne Harley, The Traveling Culturati

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