The Beauty Of Group Travel

I’ve been leading groups around the world for more than twenty years. While I’ve always known the beauty of group travel, I was reminded of it on my most recent trip to Switzerland.

We took a day trip to Chamonix to visit Mont Blanc. Our day was planned to ascend to the top of the adjacent peak by cable car to witness the beauty of Mont Blanc, have lunch and then return to Geneva. Upon our arrival, there were paragliders floating above us. Their big colorful sails were meandering around the mountain as they descended. Some of the group members became very excited and wanted to know if they could participate. Our local tour manager contacted the company and made arrangements for a handful of the Traveling Culturati who wanted to participate in this adventure.

Unfortunately, we hit a snag. Some of those who wanted to paraglide did not have the right amount of cash and the company could not process debit or credit cards on the spot. Here is where the beauty of group travel comes in. Other group members sprung into action. You see, we are a collective, we bond, we respect and want the best for our fellow Culturati. This was an experience and opportunity not to be missed. We came up with enough money for all of those who wanted to paraglide to do it. There was also a person who didn’t have the right shoes and a fellow Traveling Culturati lent her shoes.

It doesn’t stop there, the rest of the group headed to lunch and when the paragliding Culturati arrived at the restaurant, we all applauded, cheered and anxiously waited to hear all about it.

Traveling Culturati is always happy for their fellow Culturati to experience an adventure. Those who are not so adventurous, cheer on those who are and live vicariously through them. Culturati does not envy, we admire and have joy for those who can and do! We know that we are all in that place together because of our wanderlust and zeal for life!

The Beauty of Group Travel:

  • You have the support of the group
  • You have the security of the group
  • You make friends
  • A single or solo traveler is not alone unless they want to be
  • You have the resources of the group
  • You have the company of the group
  • While the group has a schedule and pre-planned activities, you can break away and do your own thing when you want
  • The group has a schedule and pre-planned activities and that takes the guesswork out of it
  • You have a tour leader and manager to help in sticky travel situations. We had a few.

I have to add that Advantage International and Traveling Culturati have the best travelers!

Yours truly,




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