Continuing my never-ending search for great travel tips, anything that can aid me and my travels to make them more manageable, I perused several travel professionals and masters lists to see what was on their list.
Take an extra bank card and credit card with you.
Disasters happen. It’s always good to have a backup in case you get robbed or lose a card. You don’t want to be stuck somewhere new without access to your funds. Have one card you use for daily purchases and to get cash. The extra card is one that you’ll leave behind n your safety deposit box or hidden on your person. Make sure it has a high credit limit.
Travel by yourself at least once
There’s so much you’ll learn a lot about yourself and how to be self-reliant. Traveling solo taught me to fend for myself, talk to people, and handle unfamiliar situations easily. If you’re not already, it can make you comfortable with yourself and show you what you’re capable of. Overall, it’s a valuable life lesson.
Read the history of the destination.
Read up on the destinations you are visiting. You’ll get a deeper understanding of the people and their culture. You can’t understand the present if you don’t know the history.
Go ahead and visit that Starbucks.
Let’ face it; it’s popular for a reason. Sometimes something familiar is comforting, and Starbucks always has free wifi and public toilets you can use. Don’t hang out there all the time and rob yourself of local places.
Always get behind business travelers when in security lines.
They move fast and have it down to a science because they do it often and travel light. Line up behind them as much as possible. Not only will you get through the lane faster, but you’ll also see and learn how they do it!
Alternatively, Never get behind families.
They take forever. Not blaming them; they have a lot of stuff because of the children. If it’s unavoidable, know it’s going to take a while.
Happy journeys!
Yours truly,